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 "That you are here — that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.” 

  - Robin Williams, Dead Poet's Society -

I've flagged down politicians on Capitol Hill. I've interviewed countless students as they protested against gun violence at the March for Our Lives. I've eaten tacos with Don Felder and photographed him for National Arts + Humanities month, covered hundreds of teacher walkouts for #RedForEd and driven to the border to see how immigration policies are impacting Arizona. 


Why? Because I believe that great journalism is a byproduct of great listening and endless curiosity.


Journalism has allowed me to be immersed in change, in people, in stories and history unraveling- and I am so determined to represent those stories in the most efficient platform possible.



In an age of such social and political division,I believe honest and accurate reporting needs to be as accessible as possible. Finding ways to incorporate innovative methods of truthful information in a way that engages audiences is my passion.


Inspired by creativity and curiosity, I am passionate about all things storytelling- whether it be through journalism, videography, photography or digital design. I  hope to combine my love of strong visuals, poignant words and connection to people to give a voice to those who may not have the ability to do so, as well as amplify the mission and values current organizations already possess.

I'm a Phoenix, Arizona native  who graduated from the  Walter Cronkite School of Journalism + Mass Communication at Arizona State University in May of 2019. There, I learned SO much about the media landscape and ultimately obtained Bachelor of Arts degree with a major emphasis in Journalism and Mass Communication and a minor emphasis in design studies. I moved to the District of Columbia in December of 2018 and haven't looked back, falling in love with all the passion, grit and history the area has to offer.

As a New American Scholar recipient, my deep rooted appreciation for education has lead me to participate in Walter Cronkite's College Council, coordinate social media for ASU's Fashion Journalism Club, help artist bookings at Chandler Arts, and curate digital editorial content for the Washington D.C. bureau of  Cronkite News: Arizona PBS and WUSA-9's digital content team.

When I am not designing digital content or writing, you can find me in a bookstore reading biographies, watching T,J, Oshie score a goal at Capital One arena, or walking along Georgetown Waterfront, my favorite corner of D.C.

Thanks for stopping by! 

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